There's an old saying "change is inevitable, progress is not".
Searching for it shows some attributing it to some business guru or another, but I know it pre-dates those references, having seen it in email signatures at least going back to the early years of the 21st century, well before the circa 2014 references given (ie, back to the "aughties").
A recent news article exemplifies this idea. Particularly, the contrast between the headline and the rest of the article itself. (I understand that often the author writes the story but the editor assigns the headline, so the mismatch is easier to understand. But still.)
The headline is Tech advances leave out human element.
The article though, says
On top of email, texting and social media, such technology is undeniably changing society -- for better, for worse or somewhere in between.
The mismatch I see is between that unidirectional, positive, "advances" in the headline versus leaving open the possibility that this change might, just might, in some instances be "for worse".
So much technology reportage has this bias towards change. Some of this may be residue for the glory days of Moore's Law, when the concomittant increase in power usage wasn't so much of a fact. But I think a lot of it goes back much further than that, to something that's been around a long time: Pure hucksterism.