Victory Condition

I missed the attainment of the victory condition. Linus won.

I guess I wasn't paying that much attention.

Exhibit A: "If Microsoft ever does applications for Linux it means I've won." -- Linus Torvalds, according to Needle, David (1998-10-01).

(Why Intel and Netscape bought into Linux. as retrieved from Wikiquote on 2016-03-08.)

Exhibit B: Microsoft Corporate apps for Android on Google Play

The condition was met at least by 2013

(future-proofing that link by noting that the Wayback Machine has it too

Now, a case can be made that a self-declared victory doesn't mean that much. Or that the original context was "desktop linux" and so Microsoft Android apps don't count. Maybe I'll address those later. For now, though, I think setting what seems to be a lofty goal and then hitting it after a lot of work seems to be worth something.
